What makes our loggers so smart?
Our data loggers read many meters over a network quickly and accurately from a single point, and then download data files to a remote, or on site, server. Each logger can collect pulses from up to 32 different meters, but when they are configured in a daisy chain, a single system can read up to 2048 meters – all of them with remote setup, input and commissioning.
Our loggers collect and store pulses from any pulsed output device, such as water, hot water, chilled water, and electricity or gas meters. The usage profile of any consumption event that generates a pulse can be logged. One unit can log data from different kinds of meters. This means you can feed data from meters for different utilities into the same billing and invoicing system.
With our loggers you can retrieve data at any time to meet reporting, invoicing or regulatory commitments. You can also synchronise meter readings so that all the utilities you manage for each customer are read within the same period.